Free Will in Theology

Free Will in Theology

Free Will in Theology

When it comes to the ongoing debate related to free will, religions don't have a satisfactory explanation for the paradox of the free will, a paradox that arises from the contradiction between an omniscient god that is everywhere, knows everything, present and future, and free will.

The Daily Concept - Free Will in Theology The Daily Concept - Free Will in Theology

In the Roman Catholic religion for example, it is considered that free will co-exists with grace, that God's plan of predestination includes each person's response to his grace. The will can resist grace if it chooses.

It's interesting that while religion advertises free will, modern science is beginning to show that we might actually have a limited free will capacity or even no free will at all. Maybe free will is something that humans need to believe in, free will is freedom at it's core, without such a freedom what kind of creatures are we?

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