Axiom of Cumulative Inertia

Axiom of Cumulative Inertia

Axiom of Cumulative Inertia

The Daily Concept - Axiom of Cumulative Inertia The Daily Concept - Axiom of Cumulative Inertia

The title of this sociological axiom sounds complicated and off-putting but the axiom itself is easy to explain:  it basically says that the more time someone spends in a certain place the less likely the person is to move out from that place in the future.

Some reasons for this kind of behavior might include: loss aversion which results from possible unknown problems in a new place of residence, financial stability - it's possible that the person might have achieved a successful career after staying at the same workplace for a while, the presence of a social network - family and friends.

In conclusion: the more you sit in the same place the more you are likely to remain there and the more motives for you to stay there accumulate.


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